Sunday, June 30, 2019

(06-30-2019) The biggest update in Republic of Domolas so far

Another update is here, and it is the biggest update in Republic of Domolas so far! Here is the new subway map for this update:

According to current plans, this subway map will be valid for an unusual length of 6 weeks, since no railway system updates are scheduled for the next 2 versions.

First, it has been almost 2 months since Line 1 was extended the last time, and it has been extended again! The extension is only 1 station long, but the new terminal station, Lerralia, uses platform gates, which are now fixed! However, I would not show you any pictures of the extension because I want you to explore it on your own.

Speaking of platform gates, the platform gates at Sedribwyn Plateau are also fixed! However, when one thing gets fixed, another won't work. Upon conversion to 1.14.3, the villager vendors no longer work.

Line 2 had also been extended 2 km south to Astelikin, which almost doubled the line's length. The extension passes through the Redwood Taiga biome in the south, and uses a datapack that makes minecarts go fast! However, the datapack will be replaced in the next update. Here is a photo of the extension:

This image looks weird because it was combined from 4 individual Mineways screenshots, since I cannot take a picture of the whole extension.

There also has been a third subway line extension, and this one is of Domolas Branch Line, which has been extended to Astorekith station. A second station also opened within the Town of Astorekith, which is Astorekith South, on Domolas Branch Line. There is also a third station on Domolas Branch Line: Lothaudith, which is located between Grirecien Bridge and the Town of Astorekith.

The first mall in Republic of Domolas is built, and the subway station nearby has been renovated:
Left: The renovated Qedriwin station.
Right: Qedriwin Mall.
This is Qedriwin Mall, which is built next to Qedriwin station. Only the mainframe structure of the first part is built, and the second part will be built only after I get the villager vendors working. Qedriwin Mall also has the first elevator in Republic of Domolas!

Check it out on PlanetMinecraft!

For more information, see the history page.

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