This time, Domolas Metro isn't being updated, but a new subway operator, Nether Railways, is taking control of the Nether lines.
This update, the nomenclature of numbered subway lines between provinces has changed. Every provincial subway operator refers to their own numbered lines as 1, 2, 3, etc. without any preceding letter, but refers to other operators' numbered lines with a preceding letter (such as D, K, M, W, etc.).
But let's see what else has changed this update. First, I've devided to build a new ferry line connecting Faesien in Domolas Province and Záhodnostrzóvska in Mavromichalis Province. The aptly named Trans-Provincial Ferry is the first ferry route that serves either of the two provinces, and is the first ferry route built by me.
And a new stronghold is made accessible not far from the area as well. Just a short ride north of Záhodnostrzóvska on a new extension of the Vetva Zatokna is the island of Groiven, where a new stronghold has been opened.
And speaking of subway extensions, there have been a lot of them this update. M1, M4, VZ, K5, W1, and N2... they've all been extended, whether eastward, westward, northward, or southward. And don't forget the new lines, Line K7 in Kayke Province and Line W2 in Wynford Province. And last but not least, there have been new expansions to the street system, which now serves areas that previously had no streets.
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