Republic of Domolas has been updated again! Here are the new subway maps:
Domolas Metro |
Domolas Metro (Nether) |
Metro Mabromiğałskje |
Kayke Railways |
(unfortunately, Windfall Trams is not getting a new subway map this time.)
Now, let's look at some new features in this update of Republic of Domolas!
First, the Nether has been completely reset and rebuilt, and now you can go there from more locations! Nether Line N1 is still here, but it has been completely rebuilt (and now also goes to new locations), and its departure song has changed. And there's a new line, Nether Line N2, which also goes to new Nether locations.
Sedribwyn Plateau station |
Abalebwyn station |
Nether Central station |
Qiraria station |
Astelikin station |
There are also some subway extensions back in the Overworld that I would like to showcase. Among these are the Subway Line 2B northward extension and Subway Line 4 southward extension.
Etheidus station |
Rigohar area |
Subway Line 2B northward |
Subway Line 2B received its final northward extension to Rigohar, which is also accessible via the Nether. Subway Line 4 is extended south to Etheidus station, and it will be extended further south soon.
And in the Kayke and Mavromichalis provinces, new subway lines have been added. In Kayke Province is Kayke Line K5, which interlines with Subway Line 1 at Abalebwyn and goes east to Diamond City. In Mavromichalis Province, Mabromiğałska Traca 3 has been added, which goes from Astelikin to a new transfer station in the east called Magenta (or Fioletovnik in the native language).
And in all 3 provinces, the road system has expanded. In Domolas Province, new streets have been built in the snowy tundra area, Rhalitrem Region, and other areas including areas near Uliend, where the second drawbridge in Republic of Domolas has been built.
Unelide Drawbridge, the second drawbridge in Republic of Domolas |
In Kayke Province, new streets have been built around the junglem including the first 5 ford crossings in Republic of Domolas. In Mavromichalis Province, the new streets follow Mabromiğałska Traca 1 west of Rožińcka, and Mabromiğałska Traca 2 south of Mavromichalis station, which has now been renamed to Mavromichalis Central.
Also, the first shop in Mavromichalis Province has been built, as well as the first shop in the Nether. But as always, there's going to be more things in this update that I didn't mention here, so go ahead and check out the map on
For more information, please check the
history page.