Thursday, August 22, 2019

(08-22-2019) Another new release of Republic of Domolas!

Republic of Domolas has been updated again! This release was advanced from its original date on August 25 due to personal reasons. There are no subway changes, so you can use the map from the previous release (August 11, 2019).

However, the road system has been changed a lot, which includes the completion of Olilind Avenue; a new extension of Ferini Avenue, which contains the Rainbow Path; and a new town accessible from extended streets.

There is also a new harbor in the Tigoth Region called the Tigoth Harbor. There are 2 docks and an office.

A new banking system is being developed, and it is currently under testing. Expect it to be out in September!

Check it out on PlanetMinecraft!

For more information, see the history page.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

[Coming Soon] Tigoth Harbor

Sorry for the late post again, there wasn't enough progress in the last few days to post about. However, a new harbor area has been built in the Tigoth Region, which includes 2 docks and an office!

The harbor is located at the west end of Tigoth Street, near Tigoth station. Don't worry about falling into the ocean, there are barrier blocks at the end of the docks.

Dock #1 of the Tigoth Harbor. Dock #2 is similar.

The office at Tigoth Harbor.

The entrance to Tigoth Harbor.
Stay tuned!

Monday, August 12, 2019

(08-11-2019) The most epic update on Republic of Domolas so far!

NOTE: This update was released on August 11, 2019, at approximately 11:00 PM in time zone UTC-05:00.

The most epic update in Republic of Domolas is out, along with a tower going from bedrock to build limit, a new extension of the first subway line ever built, and many new roads!

Here is the new subway map:

First, the new Tower of Light, centered on X=0, Z=0, and going from Y=0 (bedrock) to Y=255 (build limit), is here! And there is also a new subway line running through the tall tower!

Subway Line 1, the first ever subway line on this map, has been extended again. There are 3 new stations on the line, and the new part of the line is about two-thirds the length of the original line.

There are also new roads leading to places previously inaccessible by road, and a new extension of Highway 401, featuring more realistic signs.

Check out the update on PlanetMinecraft!

For more information, see the history page.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

[Coming Soon] Subway Line 1 Eastward Extension

A new eastward extension of Subway Line 1 is coming tonight! The extension is about 1200 m long, two-thirds of the original length of Subway Line 1. There are 3 new stations on the extension: Olilind, Museum, and the new terminal of Abalebwyn.

The map of the eastward extension of Line 1
Screenshots for the individual stations are not currently available.

Stay tuned for the update, which is coming tonight!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

[Coming Soon] Tower of Light

At the center of the map (X=0, Z=0) will be a tower stretching from bedrock to build limit! The Tower of Light stands at the very center of Republic of Domolas, stretching from Y=0 to Y=255. There is also a new subway line running through the tower!

I took a lot of pictures of the tower, so I'm not going to caption them.

Stay tuned!

P. S. I came back from my vacation, which was a road trip, so I made more realistic expressway signs. Expect them on the Highway 401 extensions coming in the next update!