The next update is scheduled for this Sunday, however, it may be delayed up to October due to personal reasons. One of the most spectacular things that will be released next update is the Line 1 westward extension into the western desert, where part of the track is next to a reserved track for the future.
There will be 3 new stations on Line 1 west of its current westbound terminal Domolas, next to the Domolas First House. A road system has also been built in the desert to accompany the subway line. It will be partially complete in the next release, and full completion is anticipated this summer. A picture of the extension is shown below:
The 3 stations will be shown next.
Qedriwin, at (-390, -130):
Kareniel, at (-610, -130):
And Tigoth, the terminal station at (-920, -130):
Stay tuned for the next update, where the first transfer station is also coming!