Republic of Domolas has been updated again! However, there are no railway changes, so you can keep using the subway map from the 06302019 update.
However, the road system has been updated a lot since the last update, and let's check out the changes!
First, there is a new Expressway opening, and it's called Highway 401. It currently goes from Domolas to Windfall Valley, and it'll be extended in the next few updates. Here are some photos of Highway 401:
A map of Highway 401. |
Domolas Interchange |
The expressway as seen in most areas. |
Near the Expressway, another set of streets opened, and those streets are the beginning of the Grirecien Underground, which will be an underground shopping mall.
The Grirecien Underground logo. |
The streets of the Grirecien Underground. |
The first intersection in the Grirecien Underground. |
There are currently 2 streets in the Grirecien Underground, and both of them are existing streets that are extended through the area. Eventually, there will be more streets, and the buildings will open!
There is another area where streets have been extended, and if you guessed that it's in the south, you're correct! In the southern Redwood Taiga, Ferini Avenue has been extended south to the Nydalered area! Nearby, Qedriwin Avenue has also been extended to the Redwood Taiga, and the "Service Roads" in the Nydigorith area have been extended, too!
Finally, we don't want to forget mentioning the Lake Edoimeth Scenic Trail, a street located on the western and southern sides of Lake Edoimeth. This area is a natural conservation area, where the nature is preserved. This road goes from Edoimeth Street to Ererralith Street, near the Town of Trelalle.
Check it out on
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the history page.